A network of organisations for the promotion of steel
IPO Steelnetwork is a network of organisations who are in charge of the promotion of steel in the construction sector in order to reach a larger and more effective use of steel.
All members have expressed their intention to cooperate with other European IPO’s in order to share best practices for optimizing the use of steel.
On September 16, 2007, Bouwen met Staal (The Netherlands), Infosteel (Belgium & Luxembourg), ConstruirAcier (France), bauforumstahl (Germany), Promozione Acciaio (Italy), APTA (Spain), SZS (Switserland), have signed a Charter as a common guidline.
On June 12, 2008, SBI (Sweden) has joined the organisation.
On September, 2011, BCSA (UK) has joined the organisation.
IPO Charter
Independent Promotion Organisation for the use of steel in the construction sector.
On 12 September 2007 the IPO’s adopted and launched the IPO Charter, the full text of which follows hereafter.
On June 12, 2008, SBI (Sweden) has joined the organisation.
On September 12, 2011, BCSA (UK) has joined the organisation.
Sustainability Charter
Sustainability strategy for the European steel construction sector developed by IPO Steel Network (Independent Promotion Organisations for steel construction).
At the invitation of IPO Steel Network, the European network of steel promoting organisations, representatives of the European and global steel sector met on Monday 27 September 2010 in Brussels for the signing ceremony of the Steel Network Sustainable Construction Charter.
The charter translates into practice a desire to work closer together and maintain a dialogue among all the actors of the steel construction sector in order to lay down a strategy to promote the most effective environmental measures, optimise research and information on steel applications for sustainable construction and make better use of the potential for recycling and reutilisation of steel structures and components.