Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures

Steel design trainings, Winter 2018-2019
Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures, 11-12-13 februar 2019
Practical training days on Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures (Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 1-9 Fatigue 2nd Ed.)
Topics covered :
- Introduction: Content, objectives; Logic of the book and of the lectures; etc
- Basis of fatigue design: Concept of S-N curves, main parameters; S-N curves: experimental determination, definitions of stress range and number of cycles; Terminology (in relation to Eurocodes); Variable amplitude, damage sum and equivalent damage concept (cont.); Verification methods (with stress ranges, with number. of cycles, with damage sum); etc
- Codes of practice: Different existing codes : Eurocodes, IIW, DNV, …; Separation between action effects and resistance; Application and limitation range : materials, corrosion
- Actions and action effects: Fatigue loads, fatigue load models (general); Road bridges load models (FLM1 to FLM5), railroad models (UIC 71, …); Service life, new vs existing bridges; etc
- Determination of stresses and stress ranges: Calculation of stresses: nominal, modified nominal, geometric; Calculation of stress ranges: in bolted, welded connections, multiaxial cases; etc
- Fatigue strength and detail categories: Catalogue of construction details; Classification by identification, by analogy; Fatigue strength modifications: size effect, mean stress and residual stresses; etc
- Safety and design methods: Steel quality choice: link between fatigue and brittle fracture (EN 1993-1-10); Design methods: safe life, damage tolerant; Partial factors for fatigue determination; etc
- Detailed program here
Practical information
ECCS (European Convention for Constructional Steelwork)
Place and dates
11/02/2019, 12/02/2019 and 13/02/2019 (3 full days)
ECCS – Avenue des Ombrages, 32B – 1200 Brussels
(subject to change depending on the number of participants)
1550€ excl. Vat, (ECCS-organisation / Infosteel membership-discounts do not apply)
More information
- Infosteel Registratienummer: DV.O101635